aide jano

aide jano, kolo da igramo
aide jano, 'ajde dušo, kolo da igramo
aide jano, 'ajde dušo, kolo da igramo

aide jano, borbu ostav'mo
aide jano, 'ajde dušo, borbu ostavimo
aide jano, 'ajde dušo, borbu ostavimo

aide jano, puške napustimo
aide jano, 'ajde dušo, puške napustimo
aide jano, 'ajde dušo, puške napustimo

aide jano, sreću potražimo
aide jano, 'ajde dušo, sre´cu potražimo
aide jano, 'ajde dušo, sre´cu potražimo

come on jana, let's dance the kolo
come on jana, come on darling, let's dance the kolo
come on jana, come on darling, let's dance the kolo

come on, jana, let's sell the horse
come on jana, come on darling, let's sell the horse
come on jana, come on darling, let's sell the horse

come on jana, let's sell the house.
come on jana, come on darling, let's sell the house
come on jana, come on darling, let's sell the house

we'll sell them just so we can dance
we'll sell them, jana darling, just so we can dance
we'll sell them, jana darling, just so we can dance



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